Open Space Plan

The nation behaves well if
it treats the natural resources as assets
which it must turn
over to the next
generation increased,
not impaired, in value.

- Theodore Roosevelt



Open space preservation in Campton Township is a goal for many residents and our elected officials. We are pleased to report that we have preserved over 700 acres of land here in our township.

The rural character that is so important to most of our residents has driven the desire to protect the forested areas, wetlands, and prairies, which provide active and passive recreation to all. Under the Open Space Plan, areas of the township like Corron Farm, the Headwaters Conservation Area, Mongerson Farm, and Poynor Park will be available to our residents for generations to come. And all of this isl thanks to the hard work and commitment of the Campton Open Space Committee, our Township Board of Trustees, and our many volunteers!

A few highlights:

Mongerson Farm is featured for January in the 2004 Kane County Calendar. Campton Township owns a farmland easement on the land purchased in cooperation with Garfield Farm Museum. Wasco Depot (site of the Campton Community Center) is also featured in the calendar.

A Master Plan has been developed for Corron Farm, and the farmstead has been placed on the Kane County Register of Historic Sites We have begun a native plant nursery; recently, savanna seeds were donated and planted. We held a public tour of the property last fall.


Open Space Committee


Open Space Plan II


Open Space Plan II Map


Open Space Plan I


Open Space Plan I Maps


Transcript of Open Space Forum Meeting, Oct. 19, 2000


Annual Meeting 2002: Purchase of Corron Farm for Open Space


We completed the purchase of the Headwaters Conservation Area, preserving the headwaters of Blackberry Creek. A $30,000 grant enabled us to do an archaeological survery, a drain tile survey, and other necessary studies.Using input from a public hearing, we created a preliminary plan for development of this parcel with trails, picnic grounds, nature areas, and other amenities. The DNR has awarded the Township a $400,000 matching development grant through the OSLAD program.

Our newest acquisition is Poynor Park, acquired in December 2003. Consisting of relatively flat fields, this property was selected for its potential for active recreation. Planning for the park is currently in its beginning stages.

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Town Hall: 630-387-1016
Fax: 630-387-1068
MAILING Address: 4N498 Town Hall Road, St. Charles, IL 60175
TEMP. Office Location: 43W870 Empire Road, St. Charles, IL 60175

Highway District: 630-365-9300
Fax: 630-365-0124
05N790 Route 47
Maple Park, IL 60151

Assessor: 630-513-5430
Fax: 630-513-5425
5N082 Old LaFox Road
St. Charles, IL 60175